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YouTube is the biggest video sharing platform in the world and in the last 10 years, it has become a good source of profit for new and aspiring video content creators. This is why many of the content creators have a serious question - "How to get verified on Youtube faster?"


However, YouTube is not only important for individuals but is also great for companies. Through this site, business owners are able to post new media files thus attracting more attention and generating higher revenue.

One of the most important things about managing your YouTube account is getting verified. So, what does this mean and how does it help you?

What does it mean to be verified on YouTube?

Like anything else on the web, the verification process helps determine whether or not a channel really belongs to the person or company in question. This is especially important for businesses, entrepreneurs and celebrities.

Given that nowadays we’re judged by everything we say or do, it’s easy for your reputation to be tarnished. So, if a malicious person uses your name to start a negative campaign, you can quickly lose face.

Verification is crucial to give your channel legitimacy. Being verified by YouTube means that the biggest video platform is vouching for your channel’s authenticity.

But keep in mind that there are no special benefits to it nor will you get any advantage over other other users when it comes to rankings or views. It is just a way of getting your name protected from various copycats and content thieves.

But there is more to this process than simple protection. You also get instant credibility as soon as the viewer sees your YouTube verification badge. This basically means that you’re more likely to get an increased number of clicks on your videos. Furthermore, only channels with more than 100,000 subscribers are eligible for the mark. In other words, simply showing your verification badge puts you in elite company.

How can you tell whether your account is verified or not?

Simply look at the channel’s name and see if there is a checkmark next to it. Alternatively, you can go to Channel Settings. Here, you will have to click on Status & Features where you can check the account’s status.

Getting verified on YouTube

Like most other popular social platforms, YouTube is quite intuitive and simple to navigate. No matter what you want to do, you can do it in several steps (or better-said clicks).

Even if you’re uncertain as to what to do, there is a Help section where you can find the answers to your questions.

In terms of verification, here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Go to Google’s verification help page
  2. If your channel has the necessary requirements, you can click on the Contact flow
  3. Next, you will have to click on the Email Support button
  4. After that, you will see a form that needs to be filled
  5. Once you’re done, you will have to confirm the request for a verification badge
  6. Finally, submit the form

It is hard to say if verification gives you a special status, but it is something that everyone can and should do. It is considered an important step for your YouTube channel.

Tips for getting your YouTube verification

As already said, only channels with 100,000 subscribers or more can get verified on Youtube. But that doesn’t mean that everyone will get the verification mark.

YouTube’s team evaluates each channel separately and makes a decision whether or not your channel is a proper representative for their video platform.

The verification mark puts you in elite company, so there is plenty of reasons for you to put in some work to achieve this honour.

Here are some tips that will help you get there easier:

Having a strong brand

Even if you’re only present on YouTube, it is necessary for you to have a strong brand and good brand recognition. In the end, verification is all about transparency.

The process is especially important for established companies that have had lots of followers prior to joining the most popular social network. It is much easier for YouTube to verify a big international company than to do the same with a small video content author.

Ideally, you should share your content to your blog and through other social media platforms.

Lead by example, show proficiency and YouTube will have no other option but to verify your account.

Avoiding any trouble

Getting your video content flagged is one of the worst things that can happen to your channel. It’s even worse it if leads to a penalty.

Like all big companies, YouTube doesn’t want to be connected to troublemakers. In the end, if they have too many publishers with controversial views, posting all sorts of stuff, it will also reflect badly on their brand.

So, be careful what you’re posting and whether or not it’s aligned with the platform’s policy. 

Focus on high-quality content

The number of subscribers doesn’t tell the whole story. Instead, it is much better if you’re able to create quality, actionable content on a regular basis.

YouTube needs authors who are able to produce good videos all the time. Similar to other internet platforms and sites, their priority is to generate content that people will keep coming back to. As long as you fit that mold, you will have no issue with getting and staying verified on Youtube.

Staying verified on YouTube

The same way YouTube can verify you, they can take that verification away.

To stay verified on YouTube, the two main things to pay attention to is the number of subscribers and posting adequate content.

In most cases, these two go hand-in-hand. Authors who are posting videos in poor taste or that are against the company’s policies, quickly lose their followers and get banned.

Still, there are cases where you might lose followers even if you haven’t done anything wrong. Vice versa, you can have a large and vibrant community of followers and still get flagged.

Basically, the same rules that can grant you the verification mark, can strip it away from you.

What happens in case of rebranding?

YouTube doesn’t see rebranding as a negative factor or something they should punish their video publishers for.

In fact, their main goal is to help authors as they grow and evolve. Even if you make some drastic changes to your channel, YouTube will not strip you of the checkmark as long as you fulfill all previously mentioned requirements.


The only case where YouTube will take away your verification mark is if you change the name of your video channel.

The new name implies a new brand and thus, you will have to start the process from scratch again.

Still, this shouldn’t be too much of an obstacle if you had a well-established channel prior to that. Just make sure to reroute your subscribers to the new channel and you will get a nice head start helping you rebuild.

Last thoughts about verification on Youtube

Getting the YouTube verification mark is something that every author should strive for.

Not only does it protect your identity, but it also shows that YouTube trusts you. However, getting there isn’t as easy as it seems; lots of work is required before you can make that step. Nevertheless, as long as you follow the tips in this guide, you should have no trouble achieving your YouTube verification ambitions.

Good luck!

Briona Gallagher

Briona Gallagher

Briona Gallagher is a Product Manager. With a background in Fine Art, Design and Journalism, she has a demonstrated history in all areas of visual and written communication. Her favourite design tools are Background Remover and Moodboard Maker templates - "They make life easier" - as she likes to say.